M10x1.0 Plastic Vent Plug Breather Air Vent,Waterproof Plugs,Screw-In Vents,Pressure Release Element

M10x1.0 Plastic Vent Plug Breather Air Vent,Waterproof Plugs,Screw-In Vents,Pressure Release Element

M10x1.0 Plastic Vent Plug Breather Air Vent,Waterproof Plugs,Screw-In Vents,Pressure Release Element

Main advantages of Milvent vents:

1, Balance Pressure on the device;

2, protects the components inside from water, dust and other liquid;

3, Diffuse water vapor or harmful battery gas inside of the device case;

4, easily installation and protect products under a long working time.

Please feel free to contact with us : milvent@milvent.com

We can recommend appropriate vents for you.